We are very excited to have Sean working with us again. Sean is a well rounded artist with a love for pop culture references done in his own style.
You can see more of his work on his Instagram page, @seanisweird
Or on his website, www.seanisweird.wtf
Sean is currently taking appts and walk-ins when available on Thursdays and Fridays.
To contact Sean or to schedule an appointment, you can fill out this
To try for a walk in, please call the studio first on either Thursday or Friday to check availability. An appt is recommended.
Shane has been in the tattoo industry since 2006. His style has progressed over the years into more Neo-traditional (contemporary flair on classic traditional) and black and grey realism/black-work/dot-work/stippling. Although these are his wheelhouse styles, he is well versed and can help you with any and all of your tattoo requests big and small.
You can see more of Shane’s work on his Instagram page, @shanetattoos315
To contact Shane or schedule an appointment, please fill out this form.